Saturday, October 31, 2009
My original Youtube account has been hacked!
As some of you might recall, I am a Nintendo fan. Yes of course. While using the channel, I used to defend Nintendo left and right. I even joined a group against Nintendo trolls, a group againts trolls, and created a group against wiisuckslol (For those who don't know, he's an extremely obnxious Nintendo hater). While in a group against Nintendo trolls, FuCkYoUk1rByFa9g0t5 linked to a site supposedly teaching you how to hack someone else account. I thought "Yes. I will finally get my revenge on Nintendo trolls." That never came to be. Whenever I logged on to that phising channel, I was letting myself getting hacked.
Yesterday, I checked on my Youtube account and it was dready and depressing. Don't believe me? Here my channel:
My account has been hacked! Everything was gone, except for the comments and basic informations. I felt horrible. But I was also severely pissed off at him for hacking my channel.
I had to create an entirely new account, which is marioluigi1983. Here is the link:
Right now, I'm trying to bring myself up from this. However, I have changed. My main focus is no longer on Nintendo trolls, it's now against hackers. I want you guys to know that where he lies:
It's right here. And on his channel description is the list of people he's hacked. Please report him and block so we can suspend him. Better yet, the account need to be deleted. Youtube is not doing well with hackers and I will explain more on my upcoming rant on Youtube and hackers and the problem they cause.
So guys, we need to do something about hackers. And if you want to defend FuCkYoUk1rByFa9g0t5, pretend I never exist and don't do anything related to him or hackers.
Thank you for taking the time to read this story. If you're interested still, please comment.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Project 3-D Stress.
Like yesterday, I went to Hobby Lobby and after a long time of getting supplies and trying to figure things out, I thought I would finally make progress. Sadly, my grandmother could not afford it and I was devastated. We are back to Square 1 and I'm worry there is no way out now.
And worst of all, this is a school project required and due date is coming up soon, in fact, November 2, 2009. If I don't get supplies tommorow, my chemistry 2nd six week grade is screwed and my reputation will be ruined.
What am I going to do?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Yesterday, school sucked.
5th period was better, but my power point would not be accepted since my teacher could not download I basically went through the day pretending that nobody was presenting there power point and instead, stuck my nose on my November, 2009 Game Informer issue. 6th period was good, except that I couldn't finish my math test.
But the last period of the day started badly too. My teacher gave me permission to call my grandmother in the attendance office, however, according to the bell, I was late and the attendance office gave me my first ever tardy. I was furious. What did I do to deserve getting a tardy? I had permission to call my grandmother! Luckily, my teacher understand the situation, so she let me use her iPhone to call my grandmother. The rest of the period went well.
After 7th period, I needed to go to Math tutorials, and thank god I did, because my teacher won't be here this upcoming Monday. After finishing what few question I didn't get done during class, I remained to do a sketch of my science project and read Game Informer. Then I went home.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I think I might be running out of ideas in my blog.
So far, the only thing in my mind that I want to talk about is doing a rant on the Nintendo fanbase, sharing my Youtube videos, and reviews. I'm worried that I'll soon run out of ideas here.
If you have any ideas on what I can talk about, please ask me. I would greatly apperatice it.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Are non-gamers bias of Nintendo?
But what about Nintendo? Sadly, I found nothing. That's right, nothing.
I don't get it. It's not like gamers are harping to put gaming on text book, why shouldn't they put it up on the library? Nintendo has a wealth of history behind there backs, I don't see why they aren't in the library. It's like if non-gamers hate Nintendo for making only video games. Maybe it's because of Game Over: How Nintendo Has Manage To Enslaved Your Childerns. If that's the case, then I call bull. Nintendo didn't force your child to play, they choose on doing so. They don't force your childern to play the latest Mario, Zelda, Metroid. And they certantly aren't as greedy as Activision.
This applies to everything to gaming. The only thing they have about gaming that is even remotely related is some book about how violence is cause by gaming, which I think is stupid.
I'm not demanding to put entertainment in our history books, but if it can't exist in school libraries, then it proves that non-gamers just might be bias to gaming as a whole. They have TV, music, radio, etc. So why not video games too?
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Judgement Day: Cartoon Network
What the hell has happen to Cartoon Network?
This is sad. Cartoon Network, used to be one of our most cherish memories of the 1990's (Along with Nintendo and Disney) in entertainments have turn into utter shit. I see nothing good in their eye's. All I see is a selfish, greedy, and stupid executives who doesn't care about there main audiences. They are a disgrace to the old Cartoon Network. And worst of all, we might not be able to get them to change. And so because of this, this new entry into my blog is a rant on Cartoon Network. We will unveil each and every one of their terrible decisions that has force them to pay for what they have done. But before we start complaining about Cartoon Network, let's go back to the old days when actually cared about there fanbase, the kids.
Cartoon Network used to be the best destination for cartoons. They had what we all loved. They manage to revive old shows. Some of the best shows included Tom & Jerry, The Flintstones, and Scooby Doo! Where Are You? Now the first generation of Cartoon Network audiences could be able to enjoy some of the great old shows that we previously weren't able to see. They had met success in views and quality. They could have just shown older shows and they would still be amazing. However, the new company took it a step further to make sure their fans were satisfied.
We were introduced to some of the best cartoons early in the channel lifespan. Not to mention they were all original and something we wouldn't have expected. Dexter Labortory, Cow & Chicken, Johnny Bravo, and The Powerful Girls. All these shows were amazing and and made them so popular. That's just the best four, they had many other great shows out there like Ed, Edd'n, Eddy.
The best part of Cartoon Network was Toonami. It had some of the best action shows during it's time. I mean, they also introduced Superfriends to the new audiences, which were the first generation. They also had more original shows that we could actually enjoy. But the main thing that sealed the deal with anime. That's right, Japanese shows. They were the best shows we've ever seen. Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Salior Moon, etc, etc, etc. Toonami litterally launch Cartoon Network into the sky and made them so popular, they must have been even more well known then Nintendo during the NES/SNES days.
Adult Swim, while wasn't my favorite channel and was risky, was an excellent decision. If you didn't want cartoons that you felt was dumb-downed, you could always make do with adult shows. This channel was very good back in the old days and claimed many teens/adult fans.
So with all this, it was wonderful days for fans. We had some of the best shows during the 1990's and early 2000's. There was a wide variety of shows for us to enjoy, so everyone could enjoy something. We never thought Cartoon Network could be the crap that it is today.
Sadly, all good things must go away, and nowhere was this more prevailent then Cartoon Network. In fact, it's way too obvious now that they suck. But let's explain their downhill.
Personally, I think Cartoon Network downhill started when they started to take off some of their best creations without warning and in some cases, shortly after they ended. That's when Cartoon Network start to dive in popularity, because they didn't realize that just because a show has ended doesn't mean it has to be immediately taken off! That was the beginning of there downhill and nobody, not even me, noticed it.
There replacement were not as good. It was great at first, with Grim Adventure of Billy And Mandy and Codename: Kids Next Door as part of the first generation, but from their, Cartoon Network shows got inevitably worse and worse. This generation of shows is piss poor and that's an indication of Cartoon Network neglecting it's fans of the current generation. Here is the report card for each show:
Chowder: Okay, but the concept is not very good, therefore, unfunny.
The Misadventure of Flapjack: It's so-so. It looks fun at first, but lacks humor and poor art direction.
Geogre Of The Jungle: It sucks, I cannot watch more then one episode. Geogre looks like an idiot and very unoriginal. The voice acting is poor, stale at best, and I hate the art direction.
6Teen: OMG, this is horrible. Character model is sickening to watch, the art direction is horrible, no humor, and it doesn't even target children for god sake!
That's just samples. It seems like the only good show left in Cartoon Network is Total Drama Island, and that doesn't even target children!
Also, the shows that would be good on Cartoon Network are being shoved out of the door. The biggest example is Digimon. I loved the show as a child and is one of my ten favorite animated shows of all time. I was so excited that they were planning on showing the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd season on January of 2008. I got hyped by watching the show of Jetix, imaging how well it'll fit on Cartoon Network. But when it was suppose to air, it didn't. I didn't getting it, the show never aired on Cartoon Network. Why that? Did Cartoon Network reject the show? I was so pissed off at Cartoon Network for this and anyone else who've heard of this would be too. Now the show is no longer on television, and that's sad. Cartoon Network could have given it a last place to prosper and to be enjoyed by this generation of fans. This is why I hate good shows that are rejected.
Also, the blocks that they have on Cartoon Network are miserable excuses. None of the blocks interest me now. The worst is thankfully gone, but it was horrible. It was Fried Dynamite. I could not bring myself to see it. I can tell they made nothing out of it. Everyone hated it, so thank god they took it off.
But this, this is the reason why I'm boycotting the channel, this is why I lost interest in television, it's something so bad, it nearly made me cry.
On November 30, 2008, when I was searching through Youtube for videos, I came across a video saying that Toonami was cancelled. And sadly, this was true. I couldn't believe it. Cartoon Network actually cancelled Toonami without warning. I was devastated. How could Cartoon Network do this to there fans? It was our last resort for solid shows on Cartoon Network and it was all gone.
I was so furious at Cartoon Network, that I decided from that day, I would boycott the channel. They have turned against there fanbase so much, that it's unbelievable. No channel, as bad as they might be, have done this to there fans. But Cartoon Network did and it's terrible. How could they reject all fans in one bad decision? They figured it out and now they are paying for it.
But the rant isn't all over, oh no it isn't. They are bringing and making live action shows to Cartoon Network! What are they thinking? This is not the place for live-action shows. Cartoon Network is for cartoons only! They must be on crack to be doing this. Not to mention it is critically hated. Not just by the first generation, but kids also. Cartoon Network, that's telling you something.
You have forgotten what got you here today. Your first generation of fans are furious at your lazy execution, the kids are furious because they are being denided cartoon shows by you. You know what? We had it with you! We are not putting with your bullshit anymore! You have destoryed your fanbase. You shall pay for what you have done and I wouldn't care if you died now.
What's even sadder is that two of my other childhood company, Nintendo and Disney, still at least remotely care about there fanbase. Nintendo has always followed the "gameplay over graphic" and "quality over quanity" stragedy wonderfully and have remain my favorite company to this day. Nintendo still care about us, even if most of it's long-time fans don't see it. Disney is making some serious re-bound this time around. They are making the promising Epic Mickey in, they have a popular channel where they listen to what there fans want, they are making 2-D movies again, plus they are airing Naruto Shippuden, something that should have been in Cartoon Network! But Cartoon Network keeps getting worse and worse daily and it's mentally painful to have to watch it all happen.
However, not all hope is lost. We can actually do something. To all the people who want the quality of there old shows, let's boycott the channel in it's entirity. Let's encourage other people to boycott Cartoon Network. Let them know that we are not putting up with there crap. Therefore, maybe they'll finally listen to us.
I'm done, have a good day and remember this rant.
New poll. This time, on which game should I review?
When the choices tally up, the game with the most vote will be the game I will be reviewing. When the game is choosen, I will be dedicated to making a review of that particular game, therefore, you shall get the best and most detailed review possible.
If there are no votes, I will make another poll or update the old one until we get our final score. That means anyone can vote.
If their is a tie, I will make another poll to see which games I should review out of the games that received the most vote. This time, you only get one choice, so vote wisely.
Thank you for reading this and I hope you vote. BTW, you can tell on here what game you voted for.
Friday, October 16, 2009
One thing I despite about school.
The periods in my school are too short. Fifty minutes? Now this is an odd thing to complain about, but why I complain about it could be legiment.
Today in fifth period, I was working my butt off the entire period to finish my assignment. Sadly, I could not get even half of the assignment done. This is coming from an A-B honor roll student who does his very best in school and looks to exceed himself. I did not goof around, I followed the rules, I was working the entire period and I still couldn't complete half of the assignment. Now my grade on that assignment is going down the drain.
So schools who does just have fifty minutes in a school period, here is my suggestion. Increase the limit to one hour per period. Therefore, the students have more oppertunity to get a worksheet, quiz, test, etc. done. Most people will object to this, but in the end, it could benefit the students and the school as a whole.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Two franchises that needs to die.
1. Pokemon: Pokemon was a great series back in the day. However, most of the fans, myself included grown old of the series. Unlike Mario, Zelda, Metroid, or many other franchise, the Pokemon franchise, while good in the main series, have not aged well with it's first generation fans. While the first three generations were great games, by Pokemon RedFire/GreenLeaf, the franchise started to get old. Why? It's way too similar to it's predeccesors, the only major upgrade with Pokemon Diamond/Peral/Platinum is better graphics, more Pokemon, and online.
Also, Nintendo has not treated their console litterations well. The latest installment, Pokemon Battle Revolution was not received well with the critics and Poke Park Wii: Pikachu's Big Adventure, supposedly coming this December, looks like it'll be medicoric, if not suck. And worst of all, Pokemon is still a huge franchise, so even that game will sell like hotcakes.
Unless Nintendo/Game Freak get off their ass and make a full Pokemon console RPG and make it great, or it's time to put the franchise to sleep (Or at least give it a long break). They should put in more focus for franchise Nintendo fans want more. Examples are Kid Icarus, Star Fox, F-zero, and Kirby. Now having one of those games on the Wii as Triple-A games would be awesome.
2. Halo: Now this franchise is seriously overrated. Even as a Wii-only owner, I've played enough Halo and gather enough information to say that Halo should be killed off after Halo: Reach.
But why that? The excellent Halo trilogy is over, it's time to let the franchise go. It had a great run, but it can't last forever. Also, the series (Except for Halo: Wars) is rated M. It may be popular now, but it will lose steam, just like most other M rated franchise. Sure, you could argue that the God Of War franchise is rated M, but there's a difference. Sony is doing the right thing by putting the franchise to end, because they know that doing more then a trilogy will eventually hurt them. Also, you'll wonder why Mario never had this problem that Halo is going to face/already facing. Mario has always been a flexible franchise. Mario is a platformer franchise, therefore, Nintendo can explore many possibilites. As long Nintendo doesn't run out of ideas, Mario will always be Nintendo flagship franchise. When they realize that Mario is starting to dip in quality, they'll either give him a major shake-up to bring him back or if they can't do anything, end it and choose another franchise to work with.
But Halo doesn't get the same benefit as Mario or most Nintendo franchise in general (Except Pokemon). Why? First off, it's an First Person Shooter! Trying to do an on-going franchise that is FPS is not a good idea, so they will eventually start to see an decline in quality. In fact, Halo is starting to follow the same footstep as most on-going FPS's. The trilogy were all universally acclaimed and as a result, are consider Xbox and Xbox 360's showcase titles. However, Halo Wars and Halo: ODST, reviews are not of Triple-A caliber. Sure it's positive, but 80's in scores means that Microsoft has only produced a temporarily series that can only hold them on for so long.
If they want to avoid losing what positive reputation they have left with their customers, it would be a very good idea to put the franchise to rest for a long time. Then they can bring it back up when they have fresh new ideas for the series. In the meanwhile, they should focus on making a more stable flagship franchise.
Thank you for reading this and I hope you look forward to more of my blog posts.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Finally! Someone joins my tournament.
Now someone finally decides to join. Only eleven more members to go!
Please note that Nintendo Life is not the only site where I'm hosting this tournament at. People from Spax Toon Game Zone are also joining and hopefully, so does Nintendo Life and Crystal Cave. Please sign up here: This is where you'll also get some of your information about my tournament. No release date has been announced yet.
Tournament spot won't last forever.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Gaming World Reviews: Yoshi's Story (Nintendo 64/Virtual Console)
Publisher: Nintendo
Developers: Nintendo EAD
Genre: Platformers
Players: 1
Controls: I will be doing this for every reviews, even on the Virtual Console, since not everyone reads the manuals. Now the controls.
I'll be using the Classic Controller for this section (Since I do not have a Gamecube controller anymore). First off, to move left and right, move the analog stick left to move left and right to move right. Hold the analog stick left or right to run. To jump, press the A button. Hold the A button to jump higher. Press down on the analog stick to crouch. In order to make Yoshi look up, move the analog stick up. Yoshi can move while he's crouching and looking up, but you have to
gently move the analog stick up to move while looking up and down to move while crouching. While in mid-air, press the A button to perform a Flutter Jump. This can be help while moving the analog stick up while pressing A in mid-air. While in mid-air, you can also move the analog stick down to do a ground-pound. Move the D-pad up and down to move the fruit frame closer together or further away, depending on your preferences. You can move your screen closer to Yoshi by pressing and holding the R button down. When you're doing that, Yoshi will be smelling things. While holding the R button, move left or right with the analog stick to move. You can press the ZL and ZR button to make the fruit frame disappear or come back. To stick out your tounge to eat a fruit, enemy, etc, press the B button. You can stick out your tounge upward,
diagonally, or even down. Press the X or Y button to get one of your eggs to throw. But hold on to the X or Y button, because you are able to choose where you want to aim the egg. Relea
Now the Story Mode. It follow the plot way back in the Story section of the review and goes with it. There are twenty-four levels in the game, six of which you will be playing (Quite litterally, you don't even get to play more levels!). The setting is different on each page of the storybook. Now if you haven't died yet and want to finish tommrow, you can. Also, the Special Hearts that you collect, you can find up to three in each stage. The more you get, the more levels that open up to you in the next world (Or page). It also tell parts of the story after you beat each level. At the end of the game, they tally up your score of all six pages, that you view at the very end.
Sound: The digital voices by Yoshi's are solid, and I think they're better then the original. Each Yoshi's have a different tone to their voice, depending on the color. In other areas, they are also well executed. However, it shouldn't have rip-off some sound from past Mario titles. 9/10.
Music: Sadly, the music does not live up to the high Nintendo expectation. I was very disappointed by the soundtrack. Why? Their are way too many remixes in the same game! Not to mention most of them from meh to flat-out suck (The two rapping songs are especially bad). Sure there are a few good soundtrack here and their, but it's a huge letdown. But what killed it for me is the horrible Yoshi's singing voice. Sure their normal acting is soild, but it could have been great had it not been for them singing so badly. I mute the TV every time now when the Yoshi's are singing, it's that bad. I'm actually surpraised that my ears aren't bleeding now. Even the current cast for Sonic the Hedgehog wasn't this bad. I was thinking on 4/10, but the nearly-ear bleeding Yoshi's singing drags this to 3/10.
Bad: My first complaint is the difficulty. It's way too easy. I beat the game in five days, two of which when I didn't even pick up this game! Another complaint is that the game is way too short. As a kids game, I don't expect it to force us to run throught all twenty-four levels, but just six not even nearly enough. We should be require to play twelve levels minimal with the option. I was also disappointed with the lack of bosses. We should have gotten one boss per world, but instead, we only have two in the entire game. Also, the two bosses you fight (There are different bosses that you fight in page 3, but it depends on the level you choose) are disappointing. Almost as soon as you fight them, you find their weakness, which makes them practically an normal enemy powered up who you fight at the end. Yes, this includes the final boss.
Good: As easy as the game is, it does have some good things going on it. The first thing that I would like to note is that the gameplay is fantastic. Their are tons of variety in the game, it seems that for every level, you see something new, something interesting. Also, it's something that you can replay over an over again. The replay value is great and you'll stock up many hours on this game. Also, despite being increabily easy, their is a lot going on.
Conclusion: This game is not for everyone. I wouldn't recommend this game unless you had noglista of this game or a newcomer to the gaming world. Even then to the long-time gamers with noglista of this game, beware of the increabily easy difficulty. You will get throught this in under a week and you will realize the game is not as good as you remember it to be. For every else, unless you're absolutely dying to play this game, skip this game. For the people who really need to play this game, just buy an Nintendo 64, find a friend who has the game and borrow it for a day or so. I will tell you again, unless you are a newcomer, have noglista of this game, or absolutely suck at gaming, buying this game will be a big mistake and a waste of 1,000 Wii Points.
Final Score: 55/100.
Edit: I'm actually quite surprise that I like the game, despite the realitively low score. I need to re-review the game.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Announcing that I will be doing a series of reviews.
The very first review that I will be doing is Yoshi's Story for the Nintendo 64/Virtual Console.
With each review, I will go into full details about the controls, gaming, graphics, sound effects, and music, plus pointing out the good and the bad of each game.
Here is how each review will work. I give you the basic information and and discuss if the game is indeed worth it.
Next up is where we go back into the past with games with the said main character of the game until we get to the current installment of the said franchise. After that, we go into the controls, the gameplay, and then the features. After that, I will give out my opinion on the graphics, sound, and music of the game. Depending on how well each section is executed, I award from 0 to 10 points, no decimal included. Games without true voice acting but has voices will be in the sound/music section. If they have considerable amount of real voice acting however, they will be put in their own individual categories. After that, I discuss the flaws of the game and then talk about the positive, the things that are actually good aspects of the game. In the end, I go to my conclusion and award the score that each game deserves. The scores can be anywhere from 0 to 100, with decimal to the tenth if necessary.
On top of that, depending if I'm able to, I'll put in pictures for the reviews.
In case you don't understand my scoring system, here it is:
0-9.9 (Worst of the Worst): These games are so bad, that they make you want to rip your eyes off, and stab yourself in the back. I'm dead serious (Big Rig: Over the Road for the PC).
10-19.9 (Absymal): Complete garbage, if anyone recommend this, they are idiots (Ninjabread Man for the Nintendo Wii (Worldwide)/Playstation 2 (In Europe).
20-29.9 (Terrible): Their is probably just a couple good things about this game. Not even a die hard fan of the series should play this garbage (Leisure Suit Larry for the PC/Playstation 3/Xbox 360).
30-39.9 (Poor): Barely anything can be redeemable, unless you religously worship that series (Which would be creepy and even then, only a one-time rental), stay clear of this poorly execute product (Bomberman: Act Zero for the Xbox 360).
40-49.9 (Bad): While a few things might work out, the majority of the game is so malfunction, it brings down the game as a whole. Avoid this at all cost unless you absolutely must play this, and even then, only a rental to prove my point that this game sucks (Sonic The Hedgehog for the Playstation 3/Xbox 360).
50-54.9 (So-So): Sure to disappoint anyone, even die-hard fans, it has a few things going for it, but sadly, the fun doesn't last. I stress to you not to buy this, rental at the very best (Baroque for the Nintendo Wii).
55-59.9 (Medicoric): A minority will actually enjoy this game, but most should avoid it anyway. Buying is highly not recommend and you must be catious with renting it (Carnival Games for the Nintendo Wii).
60-67.4 (Okay): It can be fun at some points and if you're that crazy, a buy. I may even recommend a rental if it's short. But it has it's fair share of issues, so I can't recommend a buy, althought if you really want it, it doesn't bother me (Saw for the Xbox 360/Playstation 3).
67.5-72.4 (Decent): It has some effort put into it, so you might enjoy it. However, some issues do keep it from being easily recommended, so if you're buying it, take percatious. Personally, I would wait for a price drop (Sonic & The Secret Rings for the Nintendo Wii).
72.5-75.4 (Good): This can be a very enjoyable game if you're really interests in this game, I can recommend getting it. But it is not perfect, as it does suffer from some issues, so others may want to rent this first (Dr. Mario Online RX for WiiWare).
75.5-82.4 (Solid): Not everyone will be a fan of this particular game, as their are a few issues to deal with, but for people who do play it, it offers a lot of fun and recommended to most people (Muramasa: The Demon Blade for the Nintendo Wii).
82.5-84.9 (Very Good): Sure their are a few problems, but with the many great things going for it, I would suggest trying it out. At least give it a rent (WarioWare: Smooth Moves for the Nintendo Wii).
85-89.9 (Great): Most people should go out and buy this particular game and everyone should ahve least give it a try. Very few issues with the game and lots of great things about it, you should enjoy the game (Guitar Hero V for the Nintendo Wii/Playstation 3/Xbox 360).
90-94.9 (Excellent): These games are defindently are better then it's piers, most people would be crazy not to try this particular game (World of Goo for WiiWare).
95-99.9 (Outstanding): Almost no issues with the games, these elite games are begging to be bought. Do not miss out on these game, you will not regret purchasing it (The Legend of Zelda: Twlight Princess for the Nintendo Gamecube/Wii).
10 (Perfect): These games (If any) define what perfection is. The game is completely flawless, it's everything that we want out of that particular game. Their are no reasons to miss out, this game defines the gaming industry and the showcase of the video game history.
Look forward to my reviews and I hope you enjoy them.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
An interestng theory about the gaming world.
No, I'm not going to predict if the gaming industry could turn out like this or that, but instead, I think gamers are from many different species. Weird yes, but you might enjoy it.
Let's face it. No matter how we view humans in the real world, we are always humans and no other species. That's a fact. However, let's take that view into a gaming perspective and you'll discover that there are tons of species out there. I'll go into details now:
First off, there are three main divisions, the non-gamers (People who don't play video games), the casual/new gamers, and the hardcore/long-time gamers. Non-gamers are one species, because they don't play video games, so I don't have to go into that detail. So are casual and new gamers, however, humans can be gaming for a long time, yet barely play video games, and still be a casual gamer. You can be new to gaming, yet play video games regularly and still be consider a new gamer. Casual/new gamers are just one species, yet they are two subspecies.
The want I really want to talk about is the long-time/hardcore gamers. There is lots to discuss here, so please pay attention:
Unlike the non-gamers and new/casual gamers, the long-time/hardcore gamers have many species and like new/casual gamers, most of the species have subspecies. Also, you can be part of more then one species. You may also choose to join a species or leave a species. Let's say I'm tired of Nintendo and want nothing else to deal with them. I would be leaving the Nintendo species. And let's say I want to join the Sony species. I would be joining them. That's an example of joining and leaving a species. However, you do not have to leave a species to join a species, nor do you have to join a species if you leave the species.
A gaming species, like in real life, can go extinct for two reasons:
1. If the company that make games goes out of business or leave the gaming scene.
2. If there are no more fans of that particular company/franchise.
If the #1 incident happen, you can no longer rejoin the species. However, if #2 happens, you can revive that particular species by becoming a fan of that company/franchise. Unlike in real life, gaming species are possible to revive. Think of the gaming species as to language, because
extinct language can be revived (Example is Cornish).
On top of that, unlike in real life, different gaming species are able to make intellectual arguments between each other and not just kill each other. They are humans of course. Only humans can be part of the gaming world, so other animals such as monkeys and elephants are
not part of the gaming world.
Please remember what I said in the beginning of this blog post. This is just when you just take it into the gaming perspective, not real life. In reality, humans are all one species are we have to accept that as fact. Also note that this is just my opinion and not widely believe, so please, whatever you do, please don't flame me for this.
Of course you'll probably ignore the last paragraph and flame me anyway. For those who don't flame my ass off, thank you for reading and I hope you've enjoy this post.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Cici's Pizza nologista.
However, my city didn't always have Cici's Pizza. In fact, until last year, the cities old Cici's Pizza closed in 2005. I was sadden, thinking that I would never experience a buffet like that again in the city. I had so many memories of the place. It was the best place to eat pizza and it was a buffet! Ah the good days, it's sad that it's all gone. But at least we have a new resturant, and that brought back so many memories of the place. So far, since August 16, 2009, I've been their four times. But each and every single time, it was an amazing experience.
Cici's Pizza is my favorite resturant for a reason. It's good to have it back.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
My Video Game Collection
Sega Genesis:
Sonic The Hedgehog
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Jurrassic Park
Sonic & Knuckles (Doesn't work much properly thought, only can play a level of Blue Sphere)
The Lion King
Super Nintendo Entertainment System:
Super Mario World
Cool Spot (Missing)
Donkey Kong Country
Toy Story
Nintendo Wii:
Wii Sport
Wii Play
Mario Party 8
Super Mario Galaxy
Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Mario Kart Wii
Tiger Wood PGA Tour '09: All-Play
Guitar Hero World Tour
Animal Crossing City Folk
Sonic Unleashed
Excitebots: Trick Racing
The Conduit
Dr. Mario Online RX
Toki Tori
Megaman 9
Bomberman Blast
Tetris Party
Virtual Console:
Alex The Kidd In Miracle World (Sega Master System)
Mega Man (Nintendo Entertainment System)
River City Ransom (Nintendo Entertainment System)
Mega Man III (Nintendo Entertainment System)
Super Mario Bros. 3 (Nintendo Entertainment System)
Sonic The Hedgehog (Sega Genesis)
Super Mario World (Super Nintendo Entertainment System)
Super Star Wars (Super Nintendo Entertainment System)
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Sega Genesis)
Kirby's Adventure (Nintendo Entertainment System)
Bomberman '94 (TurboGrafx-16)
Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challenger (Super Nintendo Entertainment System)
Super Mario RPG: Legend Of The Seven Stars (Super Nintendo Entertainment System)
Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)
Yoshi's Story (Nintendo 64)
F-zero X (Nintendo 64)
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (Nintendo 64)
Pokemon Puzzle League (Nintendo 64)
Nintendo DS:
Super Mario 64 DS
Big Brain Academy
New Super Mario Bros.
Pokemon Diamond
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorer of Darkness
Drawn To Life
Dragonball: Origins
Birds & Beans
Art Style: AQUIA
Paper Airplane Chase
Flipnote Stuido
What do you think of my collection? Post here if you wish.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Xbox 360 Vs. Wii poll winner.
Thank you for voting and I'm glad you particapated.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Trying to decide between two Virtual Console games.
However, I have 1,200 Wii Points left, but don't know what to do. I know I'm going to use it on a Virtual Console game, this time for the Nintendo 64. The two games I'm deciding between are Kirby 64: The Crystal Shard and Yoshi's Story. Sure they are known to be medicoric, but I'm deciding between those two in case nothing good comes out tommorow. So, in case the next update isn't something I would call "instant download" for me, should I get either Yoshi's Story or Kirby 64: The Crystal Shard?
If you have an opinion on this, please share it. I would greatly apperatice it.
Edit: I got Yoshi's Story.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Here's a funny story.
Here's the story. When I was a kid, I used to hate the game, but for only one reason. The introduction. That was the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life and I could not stand it. So after watching my brother play the game in summer of 2003, I decided to take the cartridge and
throw it away.
At first, I was glad that it was gone. But over the years, I felt sorry that I threw away a great game. Sure it came out on the Virtual Console last year, but I thought I was never going to be allowed to connect my Wii on-line, so I thought I was out of luck.
However, I did get my Wii on-line, so on July, 2008, I got a Wii Point Card, a Classic Controller, and downloaded both Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challenger for the SNES and F-zero X for the Nintendo 64.
By playing Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challenger, I finally got over my fear of the introduction (Think it's a pretty cool one now) and as a result, I find a great game that I recommend to retro fighting fans like me.
Friday, October 2, 2009
My official Mario Kart Wii Tournament
There will be 12 players in the tournament. Remember to post your Friend Code for Mario Kart Wii, because you will be sharing it to everyone who joins, plus me (My Friend Code is 1375-8532-7365). As of now, there is no confirmed tournament date and will not be confirmed until twelve people have joined this tournament. People who have joined will be listed here:
The Host's Friend Code: 1375-8532-7365
1. bobbert33: 4210-8061-9106
2. Spax: ????-????-????
If you wish to join, please comment. You will automatically be added to the list, although you can choose to leave also if the tournament doesn't interest you anymore. Please note that I will be the spectator for all races.
Here is how the the tournament will work. In the 1st Round, there will be four groups of three players. The winner of each round will advance to the Semi-Final, where there are two groups of two players. The Final Round has one group of two players.
In the 1st Round, here are the courses you will run on:
1. Luigi Circuit
2. N64 Mario Raceway
3. Coconut Mall
4. Toad's Factory
During the Semi-Final:
1. Mario Circuit
2. DS Delfino Square
3. N64 Sherbet Land
4. Daisy Circuit
During the Final Round:
1. Moonview Highway
2. Dry Dry Ruins
3. Grumble Volcano
4. Bowser's Castle
Each round has four separate courses to race on, since we'll be playing with friends during this time. Please note that when I speculate, I will be racing also, but not competing, thus, I will in last at all times.
If you would like to join, just comment.
However, this is just for fun, so their will be no prize. It's just to see who is the best out of the bunch.
I will keep updating the tournament to it's recent state. Please look forward to it.
Edit: Finally, someone joins. Let's hope I can get started on this.
Judgement Day: The Swine Flu
I will admit, I was once scared of the H1N1. However, when I saw Darknessthecurse (Or TheSaneRevelation as he's known by his You Tube channel currently), I realize that the Swine Flu was way overblown. While it is a issue now, it is not the end of the world.
With all the media coverage saying it's a pandemic, I call that ridiculous. It's just a flu, it's not going to destroy the planet. We are more then capable to stopping the flu and soon enough, it will be gone. Why? We actually took the time to develop a vaccine, therefore in the U.S.A., the Swine Flu will be forgotten in a year, I can guarantee that. And this isn't the first time. First it was the Mad Cow disease, the the Bird Flu, and now the Swine Flu. All of these should not have been made a big deal in the first place! There are far more serious disease that we need to focus on. HIV/AIDS, heart disease, cancer, diabetes. These disease are dead serious and could kill you. In fact, the HIV/AIDS virus = Guarantee death within 25 years. Yet people don't take this seriously. Nobody is talking about them. I don't see underage couples wearing condoms during sex.
But the Swine Flu, people are wearing face mask because of a flu. A ******* FLU! How is that going to kill you? Most people only get the mild case. If you get a mild case, it's just a week, then you'll be fine. So why be afraid of the “Swine Flu”?
In fact, some scientist said that the Swine Flu might be even less harmful then a regular flu. Wow, so people are freaking out about something that is potentially more mild then a regular flu? That's epic fail in my book.
On top of that, I go as far as to say that in March/April of this year, discussing if Nintendo has abandon the core audience or not was a more important discussion then the Swine Flu. I'm dead serious with that opinion. Sadly, one person found out about this flu, everyone went into shock. That's totally uncalled for and they should have kept it a secret. In fact, guess what happens when you freak out over something not important? You get sick. And what happens when you get sick? Your immune system weakens. My point is, we shouldn't be going crazy over this issue. Save that for HIV/AIDS, that's a killer.
And about the vaccine, not everyone needs it. The only three groups that needs it to be safe from the flu are the elderly, very young children, and people with poor immunity system. That it. Sure I'm a teen and all, but I don't care if I get the shot or not. In fact, I don't even care if I get a Swine Flu. I can guarantee that I will be healthy again in a week.
Which reminds me. I dare that someone injects me a mild Swine Flu virus into my body and get me sick. I will prove to the world that are overreacting over a flu.
Now people who freak out about the Swine Flu will point to the Flu pandemic of 1919/1920. That example is bull. Why? It was ninety years ago, people then didn't have the technology to guarantee the survival of the patience with the Spanish Flu. Now we do and if the Spanish Flu ever comes again, it will not cause nearly as much problems as it did ninety years ago. In fact, I think it would have a similar faith with the Swine Flu.
I'm very disappointed in the majority of the United State of America with their behavior towards the Swine Flu. How they not care for something that they need to take cautious in yet are hiding from a potentially less dangerous flu is a huge mystery. That I can solve in five words:
Sometime, Americans act like idiots.
I'm done, have a nice day. My judgment have been put into place.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Why Nintendo is special to me.
But there's one thing that's keeping me from having nothing but stay on the computer all day and have no life whatsoever. It has kept me on and it deserve all the thanks it has gotten and a million times more so.
That is Nintendo. Out of all of my childhood memories, Nintendo is the only company that I believe that has sticked with it's audiences throughout generation and has not forgotten about them. Sure they aren't perfect, but they are amazing. Sure Cartoon Network and Disney were great childhood memories, but if anything has impact me for the rest of my life, it is Nintendo.
They have so many great games for the Wii and DS, it makes you wonder how they manage not to have a loyal audiences unlike last generation. Both systems do a great job of entertaining me and there are so many games from both platforms that I want, but most of which I will never be able to get sadly.
I've just thinked of this recently, but my memories with Nintendo strech ten years.
In Christmas of 1999, I've receive my very own Nintendo 64. Along with it was the spectacular Super Mario 64, the game that changed my life. It was a revolution not to be forgotten by not just me, but millions of others. Who could forget seeing Mario jumping out of a 3-D pipe for the first time? Who could forget running around the Mushroom Kingdom? Who could forget earning there first Star on their own and so much more. That game is filled with memroies and has single-handly influenced me for the rest of my life. Actually, just parts of me.
Fast forward to today and I just played the increablie Super Mario Galaxy for the Nintendo Wii. I got that game for Christmas two years ago and I enjoy this game today. Anyone who has not experience this must get there hands on it. Don't just look at the boxart, think of how awesome the game will be, play the game, or even rent it. Don't think about it and buy it as soon as possible. It shows the masterpiece that Nintendo was way before I was born and how amazing Nintendo is today I dare say this, but this is the showcase title for this generation for me. In fact, I go as far as to say it's flat-out flawless, 10 out of 10, polish to perfection, and perfect. That game will forever remain in my heart, just like Nintendo and their games.
That isn't the only good game for the Wii. I can name almost 140 solid games for the Wii. Nintendo are genius at not just quality games, but fiancial instead. Why? Don't you see how fast the Wii and DS sold off shelfs? It was like they flew off into customer hands. What they got was a high-quality, unique system that does things that it's compeatitor up until now wouldn't or couldn't do. They made the motion controls successful and improve gameplay. They also proved that graphics and online isn't every, it all boils down to the gameplay. Nintendo took quality before quanity apporach years ago and they still do. That's the reason why unlike with Disney and Cartoon Network, I am far from fed up with them. I'm not saying that they haven't messed up a few times (Points to E3 2008 and the hugely dissapointing Gamecube), but in the end, they have deliever to there fans, it's a shame that most people don't take advantage of the offer, especially long-time fans.
Nintendo has always innovated themself and especially this generation. That's why the Wii and DS are consider by me some of the best systems of all time, even thought I don't buy games regularly, due to fiancial issues.
As a love letter to it's fans, they open us a downloadable service where you can get classic games for cheap price, and they update every week. That's right, I'm talking about the Virtual Console and it is awesome. So many classic games that I have to get, yet not enough time. I cannot wait for my next Wii Point Card purchase to get my hands on new "old" games, something I should have done months ago. Sure it has gone downhill in the few months, but Nintendo is still keeping it alive. Not to mention that it has a huge potential which I think will someday meet.
Nintendo, if you're reading this, I just want to say thank you. Thank you so much for catering to the fans for years and not giving up on us. Thank you for the great games you shower us with. Thank you for staying alive and giving us a reason why we game at all. And most importantly, thank you for saving the video gaming industry. We should seriously do special for you.
Christmas in October?
Seriously? It's a month from Haloween and people are getting ready for Christmas? I can understand after Thanksgiving, but this is ridiculous!
Why start the holiday season in the beginning of October? It's unecessary and when December comes around, nobody will be making holiday shopping. And that's pretty sad.
On top of that, Haloween and maybe even Thanksgiving will be neglected in favor of Christmas.
Expect those holiday ads coming soon, and yes, I mean before Haloween.
When did Christmas become a yearly-round thing? My suggestion, Christmas season starts no later then after the fourth Thursday of November because until December 1st, I am in no mood for the holiday season.